Heart Cremation Necklace For Cheap

This necklace made using your loved one s actual ashes and a special resin blend creating the birthstone or color of your choice.
These are the instructions for ash, flower, and hair jewelry. You only need to send one of these items, unless you ordered items to be made with multiple mediums.
Please ship in a zip lock bag inside of a well sealed padded envelope to:
Payton Leigh TreasuresÂ
960 N Center AveÂ
Gaylord, MI
***You are responsible for tracking your package so you know when it arrives to me. Please purchase tracking for your package so you can keep up with it s journey. I cannot always answer questions regarding arrival, as my priority is getting your orders done in a timely manner. Please DO NOT require a signature unless you are shipping internationally. Doing so may result in your package being returned to you if you are not shipping internationally***
Q: How much should I send?
A: Ashes- 1 8 TEASPOON* of ashes is enough for up to 5 rings or 3 necklaces. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MORE THAN 1 8 TEASPOON.
*If you fail to put enough postage on ashes when shipping them to me, you will be required to pay the overdue postage before I can get the package from my post office. Please only send 1 8 teaspoon of ashes.
A: Hair- A 1 inch by 1 inch piece of hair is enough. If you don t have that much, send what you have. Any unused hair (if any) will be sent back with your order.
A:Flower petals: A 1 petal is enough for 1 necklace or ring, however you may choose to send multiple petals if you would like the colors mixed or the petals are small. More is always better but I understand if you only have a small amount. FLOWERS MUST BE DRIED BEFORE YOU SHIP THEM TO ME. Wet flower petals tend to mold, brown, and turn into mush in transit to me. Any unused flower petals will be sent back with your order.
I lost my son to a DIPG brain tumor at 7 years old. I wear my cremation ring everyday. I love feeling him so close to me and it is also a great conversation piece (anyone who has lost a child will understand how much I love to talk about my Payton).
Additional Information
I agree to leave a note stating the stone color I'd like | Yes |