Sterling Silver Cat Cremation Ring Online Hot Sale

This sterling silver ring is made using your loved one s ashes and a special resin blend creating the birthstone of your choice.
Please specify in a note the stone color you d like. This ring is adjustable, so no size is needed.
After you have ordered, please ship a small amount of ashes in a zip lock bag or well sealed envelope to the address below. I only need about 1 8 teaspoon of ashes to create your ring. Whatever ashes (if any) are unused, it will be shipped back to you with your ring.
Ship to:
Payton Leigh TreasuresÂ
960 N Center Ave
Gaylord, MI 49735
Please include your order number inside of the package. Â
I lost my son to a DIPG brain tumor at 7 years old. I wear my cremation ring everyday. I love feeling him so close to me and it is also a great conversation piece (anyone who has lost a child will understand how much I love to talk about my Payton).
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I agree to leave a note during checkout stating the stone color I'd like | Yes! |